Primates are naturally curious,
and this curiosity is most highly developed in Homo sapiens.
The question "Where did we come from?" has been one of
the most compelling quandaries for as long as man has been able
to frame enquiries. In one guise or another, this question has been
at the root of most religions.
As long as animals and the rest of Earth's creatures were considered
only automata, as Descartes characterized them, or as subordinate
creatures placed here for our express benefit, the question of origins
was narrowly confined to man.
But as we gradually come to understand
our fellow creatures and to realize our biological kinship, the
question has broadened to the more comprehensive one:"Where
did life come from?"
Two possibilities exist, special creation or spontaneous generation.
Special creation has long been the purview of theologians. For many
centuries, the rational view was considered to be that of spontaneous