The compound that enters the cycle, acetyl coenzyme A, is 7.5 kcal
higher in energy than simple acetic acid is, and hence is better
able to start the cycle:
logic behind this priming step is the same as that for priming glucose
to G3P in the early steps of glycolysis. The structure of coenzyme
A is shown on the previous
page. Pantothenic acid, in the working tail of coenzyme A, cannot
be synthesized by humans, and must be obtained from outside as a
vitamin, as are niacin for NAD+ and riboflavin for FAD.
One precycle step is necessary to turn pyruvate into acetyl coenzyme
A (Step
1 on next page). This is an oxidation step in which three things
happen at once: pyruvate is oxidized to acetate with the release
of C02, some of the energy from oxidation is saved by
reducing NAD+ to NADH, and part of the leftover energy
is stored temporarily by adding coenzyme A (CoA) to the acetate.
The same three-for-one reaction occurred in glycolysis when G3P
was converted to DPG.
In that process an aldehyde was oxidized to an ester, some of the
energy released by oxidation was stored in NADH, and some of the
remaining energy was preserved in a second phosphate bond in the
molecule. A good metabolic idea is too valuable not to use more
than once. We shall see it a third time in the citric acid cycle.
The energy stored temporarily in acetyl coenzyme A is used to get
the citric acid cycle started by a reaction with oxaloacetate to
make citrate. When this happens, the coenzyme molecule falls away,
to be recycled and bound to another acetate. The overall oxidation
of pyruvate to acetate releases 68 kcal mole-1 of free
energy. Of this energy, 52.5 kcal are saved in the NADH formed,
7.5 kcal are stored in the acetyl CoA complex, and 8 kcal are left
over to ensure that the reaction remains spontaneous and does not
back up:
