1. A common model-building kit has a scale of 2 cm to the angstrom
unit. What magnification factor would this be over the actual atomic
sizes? Roughly how big would atoms be in these models? If nuclei
were shown, how big would they be on the same scale?
2. Which are heavier, neutrons or electrons? Which are more
highly charged? What counterbalances the charge on the protons in
a neutral atom? Where is the proton charge located in the atom,
and where is the counterbalancing charge?
3. What is the difference between the nuclei of hydrogen
and helium atoms? How does this affect the number of electrons in
each atom?
4. What is the difference between the various kinds of hydrogen
atoms? What are such variations in the same type of atom called?
5. If you know that an atom is a carbon atom, what can you
tell about the number of electrons, neutrons, and protons? What
new information do you have if you know that it is carbon-13?